What is a Casino Jackpot?

casino jackpot

The word ‘casino jackpot’ is enough to get the heart of any gambler pumping in anticipation of a massive payday. It’s the one prize in any game that can completely change a player’s life and that’s why it is so appealing to many players both online and at land casinos. There have been a number of high profile cases of jackpot winners who acquired fortunes in a matter of minutes and this has made jackpot games popular with both casual and serious gamers.

The term jackpot is used to describe the highest payout on a casino game and it can be either fixed or progressive. A regular jackpot on a slot machine has a pre-set amount that you will win once you achieve the required combination of symbols. A progressive jackpot grows in size each time a player places a wager on the same game. This type of jackpot can be found on both slots and video poker machines and a jackpot amount is usually displayed on the game user interface. Progressive jackpots can also be pooled – whereby a small percentage of every wager is added to a common prize pot.

The good news is that if you do happen to hit a jackpot, the casino will try to process your winnings as quickly as possible. However, it may take hours before you actually see the money. This is because the casino must verify your win, inform managers, check that you’re not on their restricted list and handle a lot of paperwork before they can hand over the funds to you.