World News

world news

World news is the name of the branch of journalism concerned with global subjects. This can refer to news sent from foreign correspondents, or – more recently – information that has been gathered through distance communication technologies such as telephone and satellite TV. It can also refer to stories about a particular country or even an entire continent. World news is a major subject for the news media, and it is often considered to be a subfield of journalism called international coverage or foreign news.

A news agency is an organization established to supply news reports to other news outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcasters. In the past, news agencies prepared articles that could be used with little or no modification, and provided them in bulk electronically through wire services (originally using telegraphy; today they frequently use the Internet). Corporations, individuals, analysts and intelligence agencies may also subscribe to news agencies’ services.

A journalist who works for a foreign news agency is a reporter who is stationed in a city or region and files stories to a news editor, usually on a regular basis. The term “correspondent” is typically reserved for reporters who cover a particular country or region, and who regularly meet with government officials, members of the military and community leaders, as well as others who can provide important insights into the issues at hand. The world news that a reporter files is usually a mixture of hard news stories and feature pieces.