World News

world news

World news is news about events happening in another country or region. This type of news often involves global topics such as politics, business, and sports. It is also referred to as international news, foreign coverage, or simply international news. There are many different kinds of world news. Some are focused on one specific country while others focus on topics that affect the entire globe.

Most news organizations receive articles from major news agencies that they use in their publications. They also sell these articles in bulk to other news agencies. These agencies distribute news articles electronically to different news outlets via wire services. While originally telegraphs were used, these wire services are now often accessed via the internet. In addition to news organizations, corporations and intelligence agencies subscribe to these services.

World News Day highlights the work of journalists around the world. From journalists who cover issues in remote parts of the world to local reporters reporting about events in their home country, this day celebrates the power of fact-based journalism. The organizers of the day expect as many as 500 different news outlets to participate in the celebration.